What are Lessonpal’s core values?

Make Things Happen

We are missionaries. We believe in making education more accessible and affordable. We take pride in our work. 

We seize the initiative, have a deep sense of ownership and commitment, and make things happen.


Teach, Learn, and Have Fun

We love to teach and learn. Teaching and learning make us who we are. Teaching and learning are fun and should always be fun. 

We enjoy helping our teachers and learners do their best.


Be Frugal and Humble

We believe knowledge should make people more humble and not arrogant. Being frugal enables us to keep our costs low and make the platform more affordable. 

We are humble and frugal, and we like to surround ourselves with people who espouse the same qualities.


Build a Global Bridge

We believe knowledge transcends geographical, cultural, religious, racial, political, and language boundaries. We are building a bridge to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing across the globe.


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