How do I contact a tutor?

We encourage students or parents to reach out to the tutor before beginning sessions to determine if you are a good fit.  

    • Click on the profile picture or name of the teacher you want to have a chat with. This takes you to their profile.
    • On their profile, there is a button just below the video. If you have already communicated with that teacher before or have purchased any lesson package from the teacher, the button will say Send message. If you have not, it will say Contact teacher. Click on that button and send your message to the teacher.
    • Additionally, you can message your teacher directly from your student dashboard by selecting the Chat icon next to their name under Your teachers
    • On the bottom, type your message, and select Send when you are ready to send. 

Some ways to get to know your tutor are by asking what their teaching style is like, how they help someone struggling in a subject, or giving extra homework. Remember to be respectful, courteous, and kind to your tutor - you will likely be working with them in the future, after all.

On mobile, select Contact teacher on the bottom left of the screen on their tutor profile to message them for the first time. If you have already communicated with them, the button will say Send message

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