How can I show my students that I am a teacher that they can trust?

Students will naturally gravitate towards teachers who they feel are reliable and trustworthy. You can convey professionalism and effort by carefully crafting a profile. 

Start by uploading a profile picture of yourself smiling and in a professional setting, as well as a video introducing yourself. Make sure to grammar and spell check your background information and expertise. Be yourself, be down to earth, and show students that you genuinely care about helping them learn. 

Students will also look to your reputation as a teacher. Did your prior students have a good relationship with you? To build a strong reputation, you can ask your past students to leave a review for you on your profile

  • You can copy and review the URL link from two places. First, you can scroll down to the bottom of your profile and copy-paste the link leading to profile reviews. Alternatively, you could go to the Reviews section (by selecting Reviews from the menu option that appears when you click on your photo from the app bar). 

Finally, if you plan on working with children, it will likely assure parents that you have a clean record. We recommend you get a background check completed proactively, request one from us, or complete one at the student or parent’s request. 

Ultimately, if you are trustworthy, that will shine through your profile for your students to see.

On mobile, select the collapsible menu on the top left corner of the screen and select Reviews. To copy the link, select Copy shareable link and send it individually to students with a respectful request for a review.

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