How do I build an effective and sustainable digital presence on Lessonpal?

The best way to build an effective and sustainable digital presence is to follow our lead on Lessonpal. We provide recommendations for the information you can offer your students. 

Some of our favorite ways to share your personality are uploading a profile photo, an introduction video, and writing personal stories on your profile. These are all unique to you and show your students why you are special. 

Make sure to complete all your profile information, such as educational background, teaching expertise, and general introduction. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; just write in your authentic voice and include details about yourself that may be important or special. 

Your profile video will showcase your expertise in the specific subjects you want to teach, your teaching style, what’s unique about your teaching, and what students and families can expect. It will also allow your personality to shine through, even in an online setting. 

Publishing stories show how you work with students, what you value, and your relevant experience.

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